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EFTCG is proud of considering Occupational Health and Safety as first priority during all activities

Occupational Health and Safety Policy which we had adopted based on respecting human and environment where human lives.

EFTCG management believes that all accidents can be prevented and conscious that this goal can be achieved by understanding of continuously improving itself and by Zero Accident Policies. Everyone is liable with doing everything within their limits for maintaining a reliable and proper working environment. One of our most important goals is to protect our employees and environments where we present against possible risks of our business branch.

For this purpose we commit as our HSE policy that;


  • To take all precautions accordingly with HSE regulations and other requirements which are effective for maintaining health and safety of our employee, subcontractors, visitors in workplace and attachments and company personnel working out of attachment, making tools and equipments, personal protective equipments available and providing them to be used if required,

  • Determining all unsafe cases and actions which may lead occupational accident and disease in workplace and attachment, making effective assessment for possible accident risks, taking precautions for eliminating and minimizing determined risks, eliminating possible dangers and risks at source, reviewing all equipments for these purposes and performing all periodical tests and measurements on time,

  • Training our employees about occupational health and safety and providing them to get good occupational health and safety conscious,

  • To make our company as model with respect to HSE practices before affiliated organizations, industrial chambers and associations,

  • Estimating possible cases which may be encountered in future by considering the improvement of industrial world, continuously improvement and reviewing our status,

  • Maintaining source needs which were specified related to occupational health and safety on time and completely,

  • To maintain the sustainability of HSE quality and environment works which were established and are executed.

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